How many years of experience does Shenzhen LCD Mall have in producing TFT touch screen?
TFT touch screen has been exquisitely made by Shenzhen LCD Mall Limited for several years. We have obtained mature and state-of-art techniques through research and development for these years and they prove to be applicable and feasible to improve the product performances such as long-term usability, reliability, and practicability. We also do better in servicing providing as we have encountered numerous problems related to goods shipment, warranty, customization and so on. Now, we are known as the most experienced manufacturer in the global markets by our customers.
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Favored by more and more customers, Shenzhen LCD Mall is now more and more popular in the field of tft panel. According to the material, Shenzhen LCD Mall's products are divided into several categories, and capacitive touch screen is one of them. This high-quality product is very flexible and can be adjusted to the wearer's face for long-term use. It delivers best-in-class abrasion, impact and scratch resistance. People will not require not any assistance of an expert when they want to install or know how to use this product. Its surface is smooth and feels comfortable.
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Our ambition is to become the leading lcd panel manufacturer. Contact us!

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