How many employees in LCD Mall?
Shenzhen LCD Mall Limited has had more professionals to provide better services to customers. Now our staff includes skilled engineers, professional sales team and thoughtful after-sales team, who have accumulated many years of experience in the field of ips tft display . They are the soul of our various departments like R&D department, design department, production and sales department.

Shenzhen LCD Mall is a dependable manufacturer in delivering trusted embedded lcd by integrating science, technology, and business expertise. Shenzhen LCD Mall is mainly engaged in the business of monochrome lcd and other product series. The deft design of monochrome lcd has attracted more and more customers. Its surface is smooth and feels comfortable. Shenzhen LCD Mall has many years of production and management experience. It ensures dramatically fast response time and greater contrast of pictures quality.

We are going to work hard with our clients to promote responsible environmental practices and continuous improvement. We strive to mitigate our production impacts on the environment.
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