When was LCD Mall established?
Shenzhen LCD Mall Limited has been set for several years and has accumulated rich knowhow on the manufacture and sales of monochrome tft display . In reality, we've gone through many issues since the beginning. We've spent years creating our own brand and building our own sales channels. All this leads to the present growing business. We're now well known by customers globally. We'll keep on expanding the export enterprise.

Engaged in the design and manufacture of specialized tft touch, Shenzhen LCD Mall is considered one of the top suppliers in China. Shenzhen LCD Mall is mainly engaged in the business of embedded display and other product series. Humanized design for monochrome lcd is favored by our customers. It allows for AG/AR/AF coating processing. The product has desired safety. It does not contain any sharp or easily removeable parts that may cause accidental injury. The viewer can experience better sensory vision with this product.

We sincerely embed sustainability throughout our businesses. To continue this endeavor, we are being equipped with high-end technology to deal with production waste.
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