Is oled screen manufacturers tested before shipment?
Pre-shipment review (PSI) is just one of many excellent control evaluations conducted by Shenzhen LCD Mall Limited. This review is based on regular QC testing or on client request. Based on these standards and processes, samples have been randomly chosen and flaws are assessed. For all of us, pre-shipment review is an important step in the quality management procedure and a means to confirm the grade of this oled screen before dispatch.

Shenzhen LCD Mall is a export-oriented manufacturer of tft lcd. We provide professional design and production of tft lcd. Shenzhen LCD Mall is mainly engaged in the business of tft touch screen and other product series. This product is mould and mildew repellant. It has gone through mildew proof finishing and processing using specific agents to guard against aspergillus niger, penicillium, Trichophyton rubrum, etc. It comes with premium chemical and UV resistance. Shenzhen LCD Mall has formed a mature system of R&D, manufacturing, marketing and sales, and after-sale service. It allows for AG/AR/AF coating processing.

We can efficiently and responsibly manage our operations in terms of the environment, people and the economy. We will quarterly monitor our progress make sure that we are meeting the requirement of these aspects.
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