Is monochrome LCD tested before shipment?
Pre-shipment inspection (PSI) is one of the many quality control tests conducted by Shenzhen LCD Mall Limited. This inspection is based on standard QC testing or on customer request. Based on these criteria and procedures, samples are randomly selected and defects are checked. For us, pre-shipment inspection is an important step in the quality control process and a way to check the quality of the monochrome LCD before shipment.
Shenzhen LCD Mall has a complete management system and a complete technical approach. Shenzhen LCD Mall is mainly engaged in the business of monochrome lcd and other product series. The product features an incredible softness level. It does not appear to shrink, wrinkle and pilling with time over time. It comes with optionally GA, HDM, AV, BNC, DVI conversion/driver board. The product is easy to use. Instead of having phone owners hovering around the complicated instruction, this newly designed product features high user friendless. It delivers best-in-class abrasion, impact and scratch resistance.
Shenzhen LCD Mall adheres to the wish of being a greatly influential monochrome lcd supplier in the next future. Get more info!
Shenzhen LCD Mall has a complete management system and a complete technical approach. Shenzhen LCD Mall is mainly engaged in the business of monochrome lcd and other product series. The product features an incredible softness level. It does not appear to shrink, wrinkle and pilling with time over time. It comes with optionally GA, HDM, AV, BNC, DVI conversion/driver board. The product is easy to use. Instead of having phone owners hovering around the complicated instruction, this newly designed product features high user friendless. It delivers best-in-class abrasion, impact and scratch resistance.
Shenzhen LCD Mall adheres to the wish of being a greatly influential monochrome lcd supplier in the next future. Get more info!
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