The quality of LCD Mall tft display module is assessed with a series of physical and mechanical tests. These tests include abrasion or piling performance, dimensional stability, weather testing, thermal and water vapor resistance, etc. The product had passed the SGS Natural Salt Spray Test, which means it is acid and alkali resistant
Testing for LCD Mall tft display module includes several aspects. It will be tested in terms of its work blank, components and parts, and raw materials in virtue of measuring appliances that are designed for the machinery. It is certified under SGS Abrasion Resistance and SGS Adhesion Test of Coating
LCD Mall tft display module is innovatively developed according to needs. It is carried out by our R&D professionals who develop control modules, power control, wireless modules, encoders, resistors, sensors, etc. Any scratch on its surface can be easily polished to hide the scratch
LCD Mall tft display module is well manufactured. Production stages including rapid prototypes, PCB fabrication, welding, performance testing, and surface treatment have been optimized. It is heavily relied on by the food processing plants, hospitals, medical offices, and surgical centers
LCD Mall display tft lcd is tested under an environmental test chamber. This test is carried out by our QC team, including fatigue testing for electronic components and thermal insulation performance testing for materials. Made of corrosion resistant material, it can be applied in outdoor applications such as roof and corridor architecture
LCD Mall display tft lcd undergoes a thorough quality test conducted by the third-party testing organization which is professional in mobile phone accessories. It will not result in stains which can affect the surrounding clean area
The product is durable in use and has a relatively long service life. The hard and cold surface keeps any bacteria or mites away